under construction (see tests)

approaching datastreams

Supported Data Sequences

  • unweighted
    • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, seq)
  • weighted
    • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, seq, weights)
  • unweighted
    • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, seq1, seq2)
    • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, seq1, seq2, seq3)
  • weighted
    • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, seq1, seq2, weighting)
    • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, seq1, seq2, seq3, weighting)
≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, rest...)
rest are the remaining args, they follow width
(seq1, seq2)
(seq1, seq2, seq3)
shared weights
(seq1, seq2, weights)
(seq1, seq2, seq3, weights)
unique weights
(seq1, seq2, [weights1, weights2])
(seq1, seq2, seq3, [weights1, weights2, weights3])
  • columns are data sequences
    • each column is processed independently
    • the windowed fn is applied columnwise
  • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, datamatrix)
weighted (shared weights)
  • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, datamatrix, weights)
weighted (column weights)
  • ≺ rolling | tiling | running ≻(fn, width, datamatrix, weightmatrix)